Update at a glance

4 new algorithms

67 efficiency upgrades
Upgraded with speed and stability improvements
Summer is here, and the Unicle team has been working tirelessly to bring you a wave of exciting updates. Contact us for a live demonstration and to brainstorm how these upgrades could benefit your project!
Meta-interaction analysis
Identify and visualize relationships in gene expression between different cell types acrossmultiple datasets using regression lines
Gene and gene enhancer lolliplots
Visualize gene structure, variant information, and enhancer binding locations and customize their details using the pivot table.
Gene regulatory networks
Understand how your genes of interest are regulated by other genes
Dataset merging
Effortlessly combine data and metadata from multiple scRNA-seq datasets into one unified dataset (additional processing costs may apply)
Remove batcheffectsfrom your scRNA-seqdatasetforvisualization and clustering (additional processing costs may apply)
Feature engineering
Transform your gene-by-observation matrix into a gene set-by-observation matrix fora gene set-centered analysis of your data
Save a new plot
Save your current customized plot visualization in the interactive plot page as anew plot in your track
Re-open pivot table plot
Re-open exported plots in the pivot table to modify them again
Project-focused landing page
A simplified design for easy exploration of public data portals, Unicle’s analysis templates, and quick access to your recent projects
Overall improvements
Improved loading times for GSEA and marker gene results, enhancedcolor-codingoptions for pivot table plots, enhanced plot burst functionality