Collaboration tools

Effortlessly work together on research projects, share data collections or present your study interactively, while maintaining control over your results

The UniApp revolutionizes collaboration in biomedical data research by empowering true collaboration through a single, unified platform. Designed to seamlessly integrate data analysis, biological interpretation, project management and report (manuscript) development, the UniApp ensures that researchers can work together more effectively than ever before. With robust data management features and continuously synchronized workspaces, teams can coordinate their efforts on complex projects, co-author manuscripts and share critical insights without the need for multiple disjointed systems. The UniApp’s user-friendly interface and comprehensive capabilities break down traditional barriers, fostering an environment where interdisciplinary teams can thrive. By consolidating all collaborative activities into one streamlined platform, the UniApp transforms how researchers connect, innovate, and achieve their scientific goals.

Key highlights

Data sharing and collaboration made simple

The UniApp platform is build to streamline data sharing and collaboration, making it ideal for joint research projects. The platform ensures that all team members, regardless of location, have access to the latest insights and updates in real-time. Project members can easily upload, access, and update data in real-time, ensuring that the latest insights and developments are readily available to all team members. By centralizing data storage and management reduces the risk of duplication and miscommunication. Its integrated communication tools and shared workspaces promote continuous collaboration, allowing researchers to discuss findings, troubleshoot issues, and coordinate efforts effortlessly. This streamlined approach not only accelerates decision-making but also enhances the overall coherence and impact of research outcomes, fostering a cohesive research environment where insights can be swiftly translated into actionable results.

Enhancing multidisciplinary collaboration in research teams

Working on a unified data analysis platform allows for unparalleled collaboration by effectively leveraging multidisciplinary teams and various roles within biomedical research. Bioinformaticians, technicians, data scientists and biologists can all seamlessly contribute their expertise, ensuring comprehensive project insights and effective use of resources. The platform’s intuitive design empowers biologists to perform some data analysis and visualizations themselves, reducing dependency on bioinformaticians for routine tasks. This capability enables bioinformaticians to focus on project setup, explore new algorithms, and tackle more complex analytical challenges. By enabling each team member to contribute effectively according to their expertise, UniApp fosters a more efficient workflow, improves resource allocation and accelerates research progress. This collaborative approach ensures that all team members can maximize their potential, driving innovation and ultimately job satisfaction. 

Support desk of experts available

Stuck in your analysis? Need a second pair of eyes to look at your analysis plan setup? No problem. Working on our unified data analysis platform significantly enhances collaboration by enabling seamless integration of external expertise and consultant support. Upon your request, Unicle consultants can to virtually “look over your shoulder”, providing real-time assessments and feedback on ongoing projects. This interactive feature ensures that potential issues are identified promptly and addressed effectively, minimizing delays and errors.

Related modules

Data analysis

Analyze your data intuitively with over 25+ algorithms and data pipelines, without the need to code

Data visualizations

Explore your data with interactive and easy customizable data output visualizations without any coding or scripting

Project management tools

Build your research paper storyline with interactive figure panels readily to present while keeping track of data files, versions and tasks

Data organization

Gain control over your valuable data files in a single secured environment, allowing you to easily share data and collaborate

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Proud to accelerate biomedical research at our clients

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Amsterdam UMC Universität Göttingen Universität Innsbruck VIB UZ Leuven KU Leuven Medizinische fakultät Heidelberg Inserm LUMC


Great and fruitful collaboration with top specialists from diverse complementary disciplines.

Prof. Dr. Kristl Claeys, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium

In your professional career, you need to be attentive to change and chance. When you see it coming, you should not hesitate, but act! Unicle is the change and provided us the chance to tremendously uplift and accelerate our project.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Pircher, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria

Meticulous, committed and responsive professionals. My experience with the quality of their work has been highly satisfactory. They pay attention to details from the beginning to the end of the analysis.

Prof. Dr. Anna Rita Cantelmo, Inserm Institute Pasteur of Lille, France

Finally a tool for biologists to apply bioinformatics without scripting, allowing us to focus on thinking

Prof. Dr. Max Mazzone VIB / KU Leuven, Belgium

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