Standard bioinformatics report

Leverage Unicle’s for accurate bioinformatics insights, in professionally structured outputs with quick turnaround times

Preliminary data exploration

Unicle’s bioinformatics expertise transforms complex data into preliminary insights for researchers and organizations

Pre-submission paper review

Enhance your research with expert guidance to maximize the impact of your study and get your paper published faster by verifying the bioinformatics

Pre-submission grant review

Strengthen the bioinformatics approach in your grant proposal with expert pre-submission review

Bioinformatics capability building

Leverage our experience and platform to elevate the bioinformatics capabilities in your team and empower biologists with self-bioinformatics

Dry-lab bioinformatics transformation

Strategize to unlock efficiency and innovation in research operations by leveraging technology for advanced data analysis and data management

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Proud to accelerate biomedical research at our clients

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Amsterdam UMC Universität Göttingen Universität Innsbruck VIB UZ Leuven KU Leuven Medizinische fakultät Heidelberg Inserm LUMC

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