Update at a glance

5 new algorithms
To analyze your data in more depth and identify novel patterns

15 modules
Upgraded with speed and stability improvements
UniApp Quarterly Update
Spring is here, and the Unicle team has been working tirelessly to bring you a harvest of exciting updates. Contact us for a live demonstration and to brainstorm how these upgrades could benefit your project.
Trajectory inference
Model gene expression along differentiation trajectories in single cell data
Cell-Cell interaction
Understand how cell might communicate via receptor-ligand signaling
Gene regulatory networks
Understand how your genes of interest are regulated by other genes
Gene association analyses
Determine what genes in your dataset have similar expression patterns as your target gene
Gene cards integration
Explore and quantitatively analyze Genecards data directly via the UniApp
Gene metadata tables
Upload gene metadata tables such as differential analysis results and integrate with your analysis
Upgrades and bug fixes
Improved functionality of the pivot table, metadata editor and meta-analysis modules
Speed updates
Interactive plots now load and update faster. Plot over 250K data points easily