Pre-submission grant application review

Strengthen the bioinformatics approach in your grant proposal with expert pre-submission review

Securing funding is essential for any research lab, but crafting a compelling grant proposal, especially one involving bioinformatics, is a challenging task. Unicle’s experts are here to help you enhance your grant application before submission, increasing your chances of securing the funding you need.

Key benefits

Enhanced credibility. Strengthen the methodological rigor of your approach to meet the high standards of peer reviewers

Expert insights. Leverage top specialists in bioinformatics, statistics, and artificial intelligence

Acceptation success. Improve your chances of securing funding by addressing potential reviewer concerns before submission

Time efficiency. Save time by receiving actionable feedback that streamlines the revision process

Novelty and impact. Strengthen the innovation and potential impact of new algorithms and tools in your proposal


The challenge

In today’s competitive research environment, many funding agencies value or require data-driven approaches that leverage large datasets to propel biomedical projects. Writing robust bioinformatics work packages is crucial but can be difficult without any sufficient experience or collaboration with experienced bioinformaticians. Ensuring that your application meets the standards of funding agencies requires meticulous planning and a deep understanding of bioinformatics, statistics, and data management.

Our solution

Unicle offers a field-tested grant review service where our top bioinformatics, statistics, and artificial intelligence experts assess the robustness and appropriateness of your proposed experimental design, data generation techniques, computational methods, algorithms and data analysis techniques. Our experts will scrutinize your data management plans for feasibility and adherence to best practices and evaluate the necessity of the requested computational resources. We aim to assess and, if possible, strengthen the novelty and potential impact of new computational tools.

By providing detailed feedback and constructive feedback, we help maximize the chances that your proposal gets funded. Our service ensures that your grant application is comprehensive, methodologically sound, and compelling to funding agencies.

Real-world example

Imagine a Principle Investigator (PI) aiming to secure funding for a project on single-cell transcriptomics data analysis. Initially, the grant proposal lacked strength in the bioinformatics component which jeopardized the chance of acceptance. By using Unicle’s pre-submission grant review service, the PI received critical feedback on his experimental design and supporting analysis approach. Unicle’s experts helped refine the data management plan and ensured the requested computational resources were appropriate. The enhanced grant application not only met the rigorous standards of the funding agency but also stood out for its robust methodological approach and innovative potential, ultimately securing the needed funding.

Boost your grant proposal’s credibility and ensure it meets the highest standards with Unicle’s expert guidance. Strengthen your proposal before submission to enhance your chances of securing the funding you need to propel your research (career) forward.

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