Cloud compute power

Leverage the unlimited power of cloud computing and drastically reduced analysis runtimes, allowing you to perform large data studies and run multiple analyses simultaneously

Cloud computing has emerged as a transformative technology in biomedical data research, offering unparalleled scalability, flexibility, and computational power. The UniApp is build upon one of the world’s most leading cloud services platform. By leveraging the power of cloud services, you can efficiently store, manage, and analyze vast datasets generated from high-throughput technologies. Moreover, it allows for real-time collaboration across geographical boundaries, enabling you to share data and computational resources seamlessly. With robust data security measures in place, cloud computing ensures data privacy and integrity, making it an invaluable asset in the quest to advance human health and medicine. And the best thing, it does not require investments in expensive high-computational hardware.

Key highlights

Analysis at scale, without computational limits

UniApp brings significant scalability to biomedical data analysis by leveraging cloud infrastructure to dynamically allocate computational resources based on the demands of user analyses. This means that as the volume of data or the complexity of analyses increases, additional computational power and storage can be provisioned seamlessly. Research groups no longer need to invest in and maintain expensive hardware; instead, they can access virtually unlimited resources on demand. This scalability is crucial for handling the vast and ever-growing datasets generated by high-throughput technologies like next-generation sequencing, proteomics, and imaging studies.

The UniApp platform takes full advantage of scalable computational resourcing by introducing the ability to schedule and run analysis jobs in parallel via the cloud. This means that users can initiate multiple analyses simultaneously without having to wait for one job to finish before starting another. UniApp handles the distribution and execution of these tasks across the cloud infrastructure, significantly speeding up the research process.

By leveraging cloud resources, UniApp ensures that computational tasks are completed faster and more efficiently, freeing researchers from the bottlenecks of sequential processing. This parallel processing capability not only reduces waiting times but also allows researchers to focus on interpreting results and planning subsequent experiments, rather than being slowed down by computational delays.

UniApp platform for scalable bioinformatic analysis and data science, leveraging the power of the Google Cloud Platform

Endless possibilities to collaborate

By leveraging cloud infrastructure, the UniApp platform enhances collaboration and accessibility in biomedical research. With remote access capabilities, researchers can tap into data and computational resources from any corner of the globe, fostering collaboration among teams, partnerships or consortia spread across different locations.

Moreover, our platform facilitates streamlined data sharing through a single platform. Researchers can easily share datasets and results with collaborators, enabling real-time access to critical information and insights. This not only enhances collaborative efforts but also accelerates the pace of research by eliminating delays associated with traditional data sharing methods. And above all, in a single and secured environment.

Built on Google state-of-the-art infrastructure

Leveraging the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for our UniApp data analysis platform allows us to build on the robust, scalable, and secure infrastructure of one of the world’s leading cloud providers. By harnessing GCP’s powerful and virtually unlimited computing and storage resources, the UniApp can deliver unparalleled performance and efficiency in biomedical research. Utilizing GCP’s global network, we ensure seamless access and collaboration for researchers worldwide, while benefiting from Google’s commitment to security and compliance.

Related modules

Multi technology

Analyze most common Single-cell RNA-seq, Spatial, Transcriptomics, Metabolomics, Proteomics data formats and integrate the results into one research project

Data visualizations

Explore your data with interactive and easy customizable data output visualizations without any coding or scripting

External (data) partnerships

Save months of work by acquiring (data) services from Genecards or Elucidata to be directly integrated into your research project(s).

Data organization

Gain control over your valuable data files in a single secured environment, allowing you to easily share data and collaborate

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Proud to accelerate biomedical research at our clients

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Amsterdam UMC Universität Göttingen Universität Innsbruck VIB UZ Leuven KU Leuven Medizinische fakultät Heidelberg Inserm LUMC


Great and fruitful collaboration with top specialists from diverse complementary disciplines.

Prof. Dr. Kristl Claeys, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium

In your professional career, you need to be attentive to change and chance. When you see it coming, you should not hesitate, but act! Unicle is the change and provided us the chance to tremendously uplift and accelerate our project.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Pircher, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria

Meticulous, committed and responsive professionals. My experience with the quality of their work has been highly satisfactory. They pay attention to details from the beginning to the end of the analysis.

Prof. Dr. Anna Rita Cantelmo, Inserm Institute Pasteur of Lille, France

Finally a tool for biologists to apply bioinformatics without scripting, allowing us to focus on thinking

Prof. Dr. Max Mazzone VIB / KU Leuven, Belgium

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